Japan Offers 1.3 Billion FCFA To UNICEF to reduce the risks of being contaminated with Coronavirus


25 Juin 2020 | Actions privées | 0 commentaires

Japan Offers 1.3 Billion FCFA To UNICEF

The government of Japan and the United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF, on Tuesday, June 23, 2020 committed to step up efforts at containing the Coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic in Cameroon. This follows the announcement by the Japanese government that it was contributing more than 2.3 million US dollars (1.3 billion FCFA) for UNICEF’s COVID-19 efforts in response to a grant proposal earlier submitted by the UN agency.

“We are delighted that the Japanese government has responded so quickly and so generously to the urgent needs of the government of Cameroon to fight the pandemic” said UNICEF Country Representative Jacques Boyer.” “The needs are very urgent, and we are grateful for this strong and early support that will reinforce health systems in the country, thereby responding to the pressing needs of women and children,” Boyer explained.

The money donated by Japan will permit at least 300,000 people, including women and children, to run lesser risks of being contaminated by Covid-19. Also, some 300 health professionals and community health workers will be trained on how to prevent and manage the pandemic. Similarly, 2,000 women and children will have better access to basic health services like vaccination, ante-natal and post-natal care; while care of HIV and victims of female violence will be strengthened.

Finally, the funding will enable 450,000 children to receive inclusive distance education. Meanwhile, UNICEF plans to work with the government and other stakeholders to attain the expected results for women and children. The Japanese government believes that in the face of this health crisis, there is urgent need to put in place measures to protect lives and reduce the socio-economic impact and also strengthen health systems to fight infectious diseases in the short and longer term.

In order not to neglect the most vulnerable people in this pandemic, it is important to pay greater attention to inclusive systems based on the concept of human safety that emphasizes the protection and responsibility of each individual.

Cet article a été écrit et publié en premier par Cameroon Tribune

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